From the moment I began I felt tears in my eyes. These tears only grew from one chapter to the next. Long term marriage, true love. The idea of taking your children back in time and revealing truths of the past on a recording is a true blessing. All your feelings and emotions of what you remember free flowing. There’s so much appreciation into the ‘Hebrew Language’ I found myself unsure on what certain words were or meant so bad to do a bit of independent googling in-between. Imagine being a child of twelve siblings, imagine growing up through World War 1. Especially with everything that’s happening between Russia and Ukraine currently.
I adored everything there was about this book. It was so well written, educational, enjoyable and a huge eye opener. The love story was just beautiful. The raw emotion about every hard event that happened is just painful to read at times but your so thankful for the honesty. For a work of fiction you are completely drawn into every ounce of knowledge over time that you truly have a love for the older generation. How lucky we are in this generation. We will never know and understand the true elements of what it was like to live in the past.
The timeline of Sam’s journey was wonderful to read. Everything was just pure bliss the high test highs of family and love to the lowest lows of sickness and health. This book is just pure lovely. Just make sure you have a box of tissues close to you when you read this.