The Value of Family History with Roni Robbins | S7E4
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In a captivating conversation that spanned generations, Roni Robbins, the author of the acclaimed novel “Hands of Gold,” shared a deeply personal story that resonated with the hearts of Walt Thiessen and Jody Lynn Craven. As they delved into the intricate tapestry of Roni’s family history, a profound message emerged – the power of resilience, the importance of preserving cultural… Read More »Unveiling Resilience: Roni Robbins’ “Hands of Gold” and the Power of Survival
Episode NotesHands of Gold capitalizes on award-winning author Roni Robbins’ 36 years as a published writer. A freelance reporter for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Medscape/WebMD, she was previously an editor at the latter after serving as associate editor of the Atlanta Jewish Times/The Times of Israel. Robbins has a seasoned history as a staff reporter for daily and weekly newspapers… Read More »What you leave behind | The Wellness Puzzle Podcast
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